You have up to 60 days from the date of shipment to claim your package as lost in order to receive a refund for your missing item(s), or a reshipment if stock permits.
For orders shipping within the US: if you have not received your package within 3-4 weeks after it ships, please reach out to us here as soon as possible so we can resolve the issue for you.
For orders shipping outside of the US: if you have not received your package within 6 weeks after it ships, please reach out to us here as soon as possible so we can resolve the issue for you.
If you receive tracking on an order but it has not been updated beyond the “pre-shipment” or “label created” stage within 2 weeks, please reach out to us here to look into it for you.
Please note that we are not responsible for packages lost due to an incorrect shipping address being provided with your order. Shipping delays will occur if you provide an incorrect address at checkout.
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